Why Do Suppliers Recommend CCTV IP Cameras So Highly?

IP cameras are recommended by CCTV suppliers – not because they’re becoming increasingly popular, but because they offer a number of benefits that analogue CCTV camera systems don’t.

IP vs. Analogue

Before the IP camera (read: digital camera), analogue cameras were the only CCTV surveillance cameras in use. They use analogue signals to transfer the visual information they have to the device or medium used to store information, like a video machine. Storing the visual information on a digital medium, like a computer, requires a special device that translates the information into a format that the computer (or other digital device) can understand.

Then, in 1996, the IP camera arrived. Since it’s already digital, it doesn’t need an encoder or a special computer card; the visual information can be stored directly. IP CCTV cameras are also able to capture more visual information, faster; video tapes capturing analogue information have to be slowed down to about 4 frames per second. Since a lot can happen in a second, this often results in incomplete visual information.

More about CCTV IP Cameras

‘IP’, or Internet Protocol, is a networking language. Your computer is using it right now to transfer information to and from the server onto your screen. An IP CCTV camera is connected to a network, and transfers the images via IP to a computer equipped with management software. These cameras offer a vast improvement in quality over their analogue counterparts since the transmission speed is higher – and since more data can be stored, you get a higher quality images.

In some cases businesses opt to invest in a partial IP system – one that can accommodate both analogue and IP CCTV cameras. It saves on near-term costs since the analogue network is kept. However it relies on a proprietary network installed by CCTV suppliers, which means other digital devices, cannot be accommodated. With an exclusively IP network you have the luxury of incorporating the cameras into your existing computer network – it saves time, money and keeps your IT infrastructure relatively simple.

Before You Buy CCTV IP Cameras…

Like any piece of hardware equipment, it’s important to keep a couple of things in mind which CCTV suppliers won’t always care to mention. Should you decide to change from analogue to digital (or start with digital if this is your first investment), it’s important to note that IP cameras may be a bit more expensive. However, when it comes to CCTV equipment, your maintenance costs will be lower.

It’s also important to note that IP cameras require a significant amount of bandwidth. If your computer network is old, you might have to upgrade to accommodate the new load without compromising your existing network performance. It’s also essential to ensure that all the necessary security measures are in place to avoid any potential electronic intrusions.

Other than that, these security systems make total financial sense. You’re investing in quality, which means durability and a guarantee of functionality. For more technical information, get in touch with your local CCTV suppliers today.